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A few people have asked what I was up to when I was away from my first call retreat. I retreated into nature, spent time with dear friends and colleagues, heard updates from the area bishops, worshiped, and dwelled with out key note speaker Deacon Mary Ann Schwabe. 

Deacon Schwabe spoke on family systems theory and how it can relate to and be used in a congregational context. It was facinating stuff and gave me a lot to think about as many have called this an anxious time for the church. It brought up questions about where our collective anxiety comes from and how we, together, can work to manage all of the feelings that get brought up in a larger system. I couldn't find any articles that Deacon Schwabe has written, but I did find one by Rev. Dr. Jules Erickson that can be a good resource if you would like to learn more about this topic:

I am thankful to be in a context where I am able to keep learning and growing as a theologian and person of faith. This is work that we are all called into doing; it is deeply Lutheran for us to think critically about our faith and be faithful in our studies of scripture and church. My goal for you is to find one way before the year is over that you can enter into deep thoughts or conversations surrounding faith and/or church.